California Circle Flex

SRE has completed, and is currently managing the twin 21,000 square foot flex industrial buildings, each containing up to seven leasable suites.

These buildings are located with visibility along West Dodge Street in Elkhorn,  just west of 204th Street. This project commenced in June 2019, with final completion in November 2019.

The flex industrial building is currently fully leased and includes tenants such as One Gym, Great Plains Communications, CiShirts, and Elkhorn CrossFit


SRE Role

Contract Developer

Type of Development

Flexible Industrial

Size of Development

42,000 square feet
21,000 each building

Status of Development

Fully Leased


SRE Property Management

California Circle Flex

Summit Development has completed, and is currently managing the stuctures of two 21,000 square foot flex industrial buildings, each containing up to seven leasable suites.

This project is located with visibility along West Dodge Street in Elkhorn,  just west of 204th Street. Currently leasing, this project commenced in June 2019, with final completion done in November 2019.

Leasing has begun,and a variety of tenants are expected for these attractive, functional and efficient buildings. The buildings are leased and managed by Summit Development.

Summit Development Role

Contract Developer

Type of Development

Flexible Industrial

Size of Development

42,000 square feet
21,000 each building

Status of Development

Now Leasing